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Can the teeth not cause systemic diseases?

5 min read
Text/Photo Life News reporter Huoying With the increasing importance to people's health, more and more people

Text/Photo Life News reporter Huoying

With the increasing importance to people’s health, more and more people come to the hospital for dental diseases.After the Spring Festival, the number of patients at the Stomatology University of Harbin Medical University was still high.Which tooth diseases have high incidence, what is the relationship between dental diseases and systemic diseases?How to keep teeth healthy?Recently, the reporter interviewed Professor Niu Yumei, dean of the Stomatological College of Stomatology and Harbin Medical University at Harbin Medical University.

Tooth disease is closely related to systemic diseases

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia have gradually become the number one public enemy that threatens the health of the country.Dean Niu Yumei said that for this reason, the National Health and Health Commission launched a special action of ”three reductions and three health” to advocate a healthy lifestyle, ”three reductions”, that is, reduce salt intake, reduce sugar intake, reduce fat intake of fat intake,; ”Sanjian” is to advocate a healthy oral cavity, health weight, and health bones.It can be seen that the importance of oral health.

It is understood that the World Health Organization has listed oral health as one of the top ten standards for human health.The standard of oral health is ”tooth clean, no caries, no pain, normal gum color, and no bleeding.”Oral diseases mainly include dental caries, incompetence, periodontitis, and lack of teeth. Oral diseases will not only affect people’s chewing and speech functions, but also affect the quality of life.What needs to be paid attention is that ”oral diseases and systemic diseases are closely related, such as diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatism, kidney disease, etc.” Niu Yumei uses diabetes as an example. On the one hand, diabetes is a risk factors for periodontal diseaseOn the other hand, periodontal disease will affect patients with blood glucose control. Diabetes patients with periodontal disease will not control the infection, then his blood sugar is difficult to control.

Women of childbearing age should pay attention to oral health

The results of the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey in my country show that the awareness of daily oral protection of the people needs to be strengthened: 5 years old and 12 -year -old children’s brushing rates twice a day are 24.1%and 31.9%, while adults brush the dental brushing rate only twice a day is only a daily brush rate of only two tooth rates a day. 36.1%.As the first way to brush your teeth as the primary way of oral protection, it is ignored by the public.”In fact, oral health is not dominated by treatment, but is based on prevention. If the oral cavity is scientifically cleaned and nursing, or intervention in the early stage of dental caries and periodontal diseases can not only improve the treatment effect, but also save savingsMedical costs reduce medical costs. ”Niu Yumei said.

In response to how different people maintain their oral health, Niu Yumei said that in addition to scientific brushing, children with appropriate age are closed in time, and elderly people with physical dysfunction should pay attention to oral cleaning.In addition, some patients with head and neck tumors and radiotherapy have a poor defense function of the oral cavity, and must prevent oral disease prevention.

”In addition, we often find that many women have made a lot of preparations before pregnancy, but often ignore oral health.” According to Niu Yumei, she has been diagnosed with a expectant mother.Zhou Yan’s onset is more serious that it caused a gap infection, and there were still many, which was very dangerous.She immediately took the hospital for hospitalization. Due to proper treatment measures, her mother and child were safe.Although the result is good, the process is very thrilling.Therefore, Niu Yumei reminded that women of childbearing age should pay particular attention to oral health. Before pregnancy, you must do oral examinations, and brush your teeth carefully during pregnancy to keep oral cleaning.

Parents of the first teeth of the child must be cleaned

At present, caries have occupied the first place in the country’s population and cavity. Cattle and Yumei introduced that there are four connectors in the cause of caries, including the infection of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, and the infection of deformed link bacteria.Therefore, pay attention to the cleaning of the oral cavity to reduce the attachment of plaque; followed by dietary factors, mainly the intake of sucrose -containing food. Now parents are more caring for children.There are also many problems with milk bottles. It is recommended that parents give their children to eat less foods with more sucrose. After eating, they should clean their mouths in time and eat more coarse tea and rice, such as corn, so that children’s teeth can be exercised, and they can promote the development of the oral cavityThe third is the host factor, which can be eliminated in time by checking; the fourth is the time factor. Once dental dentalization is found, early treatment should be treated. ”Many people dental diseases are dragged.Complex and high cost.

Today, some young people like to drink carbonated beverages, leading to a lot of dental caries.Girl Lili (a pseudonym) is a quasi -college student. When her mother took her to the doctor, more than 20 teeth in her mouth had been removed and caries occurred on the neck of the teeth.Drink carbonated drinks, and sometimes even drink drinks as water.After three consecutive holidays, this year’s winter vacation, Lili’s dental disease has finally been controlled, without further development.

In short, once the teeth occur, it will not heal itself. It does not have the regeneration function of the teeth. At present, it can only be replaced by artificial materials.Therefore, Niu Yumei reminds the public that the prevention of oral diseases must be ”move forward”. For example, women should pay attention to oral health before pregnancy. Starting the first teeth of the child, parents must do a good job of cleaning their children and at the same timeIt is recommended to go to the dental examination of a regular hospital twice a year, and there will be early treatment for dental diseases.