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Food inventory 丨 When I am in Antarctica, what do I eat?

7 min read
This is a movie adapted from a real story, adapted from Nishimura Jun, who was a chef of the Japanese Antarctic Obser

This is a movie adapted from a real story, adapted from Nishimura Jun, who was a chef of the Japanese Antarctic Observation Team.

This is a movie related to Antarctica. The Antarctic Dingfufishi base in the ice and snow, let alone creatures, can not even survive in bacteria.

This is a movie related to food, and the delicious cuisine can always bring motivation.In the extremely cold place, the cooking leadersing the warmth of the soul.

As a foodie, let me take everyone to count the food in this movie one by one.

On the first day, the inside scene of the kitchen in Antarctic Station was arranged in the movie.

Uncle Ya in the cuisine is the most beautiful man.

Sashimi (sashimi)It refers to cutting fresh fish and shells into slices, dipped in seasonings directly.It originated in China. It was a common fish dish in ancient China. It is popular in Japan and the Korean Peninsula.Fishborn in ancient China may gradually be due to the relationship between freshwater fish as ingredients.Generally, freshwater fish parasites are more than seafish.

Father (Tiansheng)The fried food in Japanese -style dishes uses flour, eggs and water, and plasma, and wrap the fresh fish, shrimp and seasonal vegetables with pulp into the oil pan and fry it into golden yellow.Dip soy sauce and radish mud when eating, fresh and delicious, fragrant but not greasy.It is not the name of a specific dish, but the general term for fried foods. The specific types include vegetable tempura, seafood tempura, and assorted tempura.

Zhaoyanana (の り の Zhajin), Dragus is a famous product of Toyama, Japan, and the Japanese seem to be particularly fell in love with catfish.In Japan, the catfish grows from the juvenile to adult fish, and each grows up, changing the name, and the author knows as much as 7.The original meaning of the name of the name is probably changing from the body, such as: small hair fish, bull head monster, fast -growing, iron head and the like.Only catfish can be called its formal name for more than 10 kg- ”Birthfish”.The meaning of ”birth” in Japanese is similar to that of ”Guan Guanjue” in Chinese, which is probably one of the reasons why people like it.

This is the first day of all members of Antarctica Station, which also includesPork Corner Boil (Corner Boil of Dolphin)As well asLotus rootWait, full of rich traditional Japanese cuisine.

Salt grilled catfish (塩焼き の 塩焼き)As well asNatto (Natto)As well asYuzi Roast (Yuzi 烧)With a large bowl of rice and flavor soup, people are full of vitality early in the morning.

The Antarctic work under the severe cold is that it consumes physical strength, so helping everyone to recover quickly is an important responsibility of Uncle Ya. The content of the lunch on this day isHolding rice balls ((り)andPork sauce soup (dolphin juice)Essence

The bean sprouts seeds brought in in the kitchen are not brought about because they are not easy to survive under Antarctic conditions.

Fresh rice of rice ball raw ingredients.

Salmon, plum, caviar, etc. of the rice ball ingredients.

Because of the low gas pressure, the pork sauce soup boiled at 85 degrees.

Of course, all of this must be told to let everyone come back for dinner.

The colleagues who ran their fate to hold the rice ball.

The overflow of the rice ball, the overflowing smile, great satisfaction!

When the Antarctic Observation Team learned that the last observation team left a bunch of Ise Sea Shrimp that had not been eaten, so everyone was boiling and said that she wanted to eatIse fried shrimp (Ise イ ラ イ)EssenceMost of the Ise Lobster is produced in the Izu Peninsula. Ipen is located in Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a small peninsula that is rich in seafood on the Kanto Plain.The fishing period of Ise Lobster from mid -September to mid -May of the next year.Because summer is the spawning period, in order to conservation ecology, it is forbidden to capture.The red fishing net was sprinkled in the late night without wind and closed the net the next morning.In September each year, the maple leaves start to burn red autumn, and centered on Izu to celebrate the ”Ise Lobster Festival” to celebrate the lifting fishing order.

Everyone proposed that they would blew up, and the people who raised sashimi or steaming would be delicious, and they were rejected by all.While everyone shouted the snow of Ise fried shrimp, leaving an uncle Ya who was blank.

At the request of everyone, Ise Sea Shrimp was fried, with Douban sauce and beer.

All aggressive, the original Ise shrimp is so big, the practice of sashimi is the correct way of making.

Uncle Ya, who laughed, is probably OS in his heart: In terms of cooking, I am not targeting anyone. I mean that every one in present is a spicy chicken.

Uncle Ya was a seafire chef before departure. Here I mentioned the same very famous dish-Navy cuisine (Navy 料 ー, か い カレ ん カレ ー)EssenceNavy curry is a curry and curry rice originating from the Japanese Navy.It is characterized by the use of stir -fry wheat powder to the curry. Most people call Japanese curry, mostly refers to the same as the navy curry.The curry rice inherited to the Maritime Self -Defense Force has become a side dish, and put on salad, milk and boiled eggs to take care of the nutritional needs of the members of the ship.

There is a large piece of good beef in the kitchen, but the heat in the kitchen is too small. It is really not easy to bake this piece of meat.

So the Ya people came up with another strange method.

The finished product is as shown in the figure below, which is simply salivating.

No wonder Iko Shengjiu issued doubts: Are we really in Antarctica?

During the extreme night, the base was surrounded by darkness every day.Whenever in late June, the base will be heldMiddle Winter Festival (ドウィ ッ タ ン 祭 ー Festival)Celebrate the arrival of the Antarctic winter solstice.This year’s Antarctic Inspection Team decided to eatFrench cuisine (ス ラ ン ス cuisine)Come to celebrate the arrival of this day.

Perigord (Perigord, French top foie gras)The fat cotton liver produced, add a little sauce, so that it is delicious.

The soundtrack here is here(SALUT Drour, OP. 12)It is a song created by British composer Edward Elga in 1888 and was made for violin and piano.Does it sound familiar?Go to search for Yang Yanlin’s ”Celebration” will be surprised.

White -body fish produced in Gaozhi CountyMatchGrape vinegar sauceEssenceIt looks very tasty!

Chinese cuisine (Chinese cuisine)It refers to the cooking method that originated in China. It is called Chinese or Chinese cuisine in South Korea and Japan. It is known as Chinese Food in Europe. It is a part of Chinese culture. It far affects the catering culture in East Asia.Recipes are derived from dishes of various regions and nations in China.The characteristics of Chinese cuisine are summarized as: color, fragrance, taste, meaning, and shape, which is called ”five products of Chinese cuisine”.According to the characteristics of cooking, it can be divided into four aspects: material selection, knife worker, fire and seasoning.But in any case, ”Chinese cuisine” is just a collective name. Because of the vast territory of China, there are great differences in various places.Representatives include Lucai, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine (Su cuisine).

Drink beer, help to do it againBurning (シュウマ イ シュウマ)Essence

Burning (シュウマ イ シュウマ)As well asGreen pepper shredded (ス ン 丝 ー ス)As well asDry roasted shrimp (仁)… No need to introduce more, it’s all authentic Chinese cuisine.

Various ways to eat crab (カニ).

Because the ramen accumulated in the kitchen was stolen by other members of the observation team, which caused the ramen crisis, Uncle Ya had to ferment the flour to make ramen himself.


It’s so delicious that you don’t even let the soup go!

Next, count the other foods that appear in the film.

A. Dinner made by all members for Uncle Ya Ren

Uncle Ya was moved to tears.

B. The fried pork chop made by Uncle Ya’s wife

Selling is okay, but Uncle Ya’s face is disgusted, my wife said you are going to you.

C. Boamed sweet potato

Uncle Hu Dip, who eats roasted sweet potato while broadcasting.

D. Natural planing ice

Well, this is the gift of the earth!Can’t waste!

E. Stealing Series

Stolen ramen.

The stolen butter has Uncle Hu du every time.

F. Birthday cake

Uncle Tosse’s 45th birthday was made by Uncle Ya.

G. Sanchaos

H. Beef Burger

Uncle Ya eats with his family after returning to China.Wet, but unexpectedly delicious.

Looking at the full film, you will find that even at the end of the earth, you can make top foods.

What is more important than eating is the attitude of each meal, so that each meal can be full of meaning.

Food is like this and life is the same.

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